Catégorie :: Livres anglais (6020 livres)

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The Black Swan: Memory, Midlife, and Migration

The Black Swan: Memory, Midlife, and Migration
de Anne Batterson(Ed. Scribner) Isbn : 0743215532
21.86 €
At the age of 56, Batterson, a mother of grown children who was living with her second husband, an Episcopal priest, experienced an episode of restlessness. Though brought on by her retirement which she found a depressing reminder of her advancing years it wasn't her first bout of wanderlust, which in the past had resulted in experiments with skydiving, rock-climbing and trekking in Nepal (Batterson was a national and international skydiving champion). Fortunately, her husband understood and supported her desire to spend several weeks following migratory birds in their VW camper, on a solitary journey that would take her from Connecticut to the West Coast and back. In spare, well-crafted prose, she recounts watching the migrating monarch butterflies in Kansas and observing sandhill cranes ...

Frommer's the Moon: A Guide for First-Time Visitors

Frommer's the Moon: A Guide for First-Time Visitors
de Werner Kustenmacher(Ed. Hungry Minds Inc,U.S.) Isbn : 0028628691
10.4 €
At last! Everything you need to plan a worry-free vacation to the Moon! In this book, you'll find all of the details on how much your trip will cost, how to train, and what to expect during lift-off. You'll get the straight story on how to eat, how to sleep, even how to go to the bathroom on the moon.A crater-by-crater guide to the most famous lunar attractions, plus tips on bringing souvenirs back to EarthComments by the astronauts, and much, much more!

Dunnock Behaviour and Social Evolution

Dunnock Behaviour and Social Evolution
de N. B. Davies(Ed. Oxford University Press) Isbn : 0198546742
23.57 €
At first sight just a small brown bird, the dunnock's unobtrusive appearance belies its extraordinary behaviour and mating patterns. In this book Nick Davies gives a full account of the mating systems of the dunnock or hedge sparrow, Prunella modularis, which include pairs, a male with two females, two males with one female, and several males with several females. Detailed observations, elegant field experiments, and DNA fingerprinting are combined to show how this variable social organization from selfish individuals competing to maximize their own reproductive success. Further experiments reveal how the cuckoo may thwart the dunnock's parental efforts. David Quinn's exquisite drawings provide a visual summary of the birds' behaviour. All students of ecology, evolution, and animal behavio...

Dunnock Behaviour and Social Evolution

Dunnock Behaviour and Social Evolution
de N. B. Davies(Ed. OUP Oxford) Isbn : 0198546750
61.43 €
At first sight just a small brown bird, the dunnock's unobtrusive appearance belies its extraordinary behavior and mating patterns. This book gives a full account of the mating systems of the dunnock or hedge sparrow, Prunella modularis, which include pairs, a male with two females, two males with one female, and several males with several females. Detailed observations, elegant field experiments, and DNA fingerprinting are combined to show how this variable social organization arises from selfish individuals competing to maximize their own reproductive success. Further experiments reveal how the cuckoo may thwart the dunnock's parental efforts. David Quinn's exquisite drawings provide a visual summary of the bird's behavior. All students of ecology, evolution, and animal behavior will wan...

Jupiter: The Giant Planet

Jupiter: The Giant Planet
de Reta Beebe(Ed. Smithsonian Books) Isbn : 1560984171
33.2 €
Astronomy professor Beebe has worked for NASA during all six Voyager encounters and as part of the Hubble Space Telescope team. Now, in her first book, she shares her extensive knowledge about the great planet Jupiter. 318 times as massive as the earth, and surrounded by 16 moons and equatorial rings of debris, Jupiter can be studied as the center of a miniature solar system, a perspective that enables scientists to understand our galaxy's past and attempt to predict its future. As Beebe describes all the wonders of the Jovian system, from the Great Red Spot to the gas-giant's weather systems, sunlike properties, and the orbits of its varied satellites, her delight in its complexity enlivens and invigorates her meticulous explanations. Beebe begins with an overview of humankind's fascinati...

The Ostrich Communal Nesting System

The Ostrich Communal Nesting System
de Brian C.R. Bertram(Ed. Princeton University Press) Isbn : 0691087857
35.44 €
As the study of cooperative breeding systems expands, a number of key species form the examples that underpin our general understanding. The ostrich is increasingly becoming such a textbook species, on the basis of the results obtained in Brian Bertram's study of vigilance and egg discrimination in this extraordinary bird. Here Bertram presents new data on the ostrich communal nesting system, in which several females lay in one female's nest, with only one female and the male doing all the work. The Ostrich Communal Nesting System unravels the basis of the cooperation observed, and explains how a system involving apparent altruism is maintained by natural selection. It is now possible as never before to explain and quantify the effects of the different choices these birds make and to integ...

The California Condor: A Saga of Natural History and Conservation (Academic Press Natural World)

The California Condor: A Saga of Natural History and Conservation (Academic Press Natural World)
de Noel F. R., Snyder, Helen Snyder(Ed. Princeton University Press) Isbn : 0126540055
67.86 €
As the largest flying bird of North America, and one of the most endangered, the California Condor has been a source of tremendous interest and awe. This book offers up-to-date information on both the biology and conservation of the condor, as analyzed by the two most knowledgeable field biologists to have studied the species. The authors present first a thorough review of the history of condor studies and conservation efforts, then a detailed examination of the biology and recent decline of the...

Birding Washington, First Edition

Birding Washington, First Edition
de Natalie Mcnair-Huff(Ed. Falcon Guides) Isbn : 076272577X
15.27 €
As the first stop in the continental United States for birds migrating along the Pacific Flyway, Washington offers a wide range of birding opportunities and species, from the typical fall migrations of ducks and geese to the convergence of millions of shore birds in Grays Harbor each spring. Highlighting the natural history and points of interest for birders in Washington, this guide is an excellent addition to Falcon's Birding Series. Maps and betw photographs accompany easy-to-read, lively descriptions of the best places to find birds and at-a-glance information puts everything bird watchers need to know about getting there and enjoying the experience right at their fingertips.Other books in the Birding series include Georgia, Illinois, Minnesota, Montana, Northern California, Texas, and...

Dangerous Birds: A Naturalist's Aviary

Dangerous Birds: A Naturalist's Aviary
de Janet Lembke(Ed. The Lyons Press) Isbn : 155821190X
20.86 €
As she did in Looking for Eagles ( LJ 9/1/90), Lembke writes perceptively about her animal (mostly avian) and human neighbors in North Carolina's Neuse River delta and Virginia's Shenandoah Valley. Although some of her essays are predominantly descriptive, most ponder serious issues of what she calls "ecological morality." The title essay is an ironic and disturbing account of Lembke's discovery that a close friend happily, if illegally, shoots and eats robins; the final essay, "A Place in the Brushpile," is an especially thought-provoking meditation on humanity's place in the natural world. Sensitive, wise, and literate, Lembke is one of today's finest nature writers; this book is highly recommended for both public and academic libraries.- Paul B. Cors, Univ. of Wyoming Lib., LaramieCopyr...

Dangerous Birds: A Naturalist's Aviary

Dangerous Birds: A Naturalist's Aviary
de Janet Lembke(Ed. The Lyons Press) Isbn : 155821514X
16.1 €
As she did in Looking for Eagles ( LJ 9/1/90), Lembke writes perceptively about her animal (mostly avian) and human neighbors in North Carolina's Neuse River delta and Virginia's Shenandoah Valley. Although some of her essays are predominantly descriptive, most ponder serious issues of what she calls "ecological morality." The title essay is an ironic and disturbing account of Lembke's discovery that a close friend happily, if illegally, shoots and eats robins; the final essay, "A Place in the Brushpile," is an especially thought-provoking meditation on humanity's place in the natural world. Sensitive, wise, and literate, Lembke is one of today's finest nature writers; this book is highly recommended for both public and academic libraries.- Paul B. Cors, Univ. of Wyoming Lib., LaramieCopyr...