Buffy Helmetcrest
Oxypogon stuebelii - Colibri fauve Colibri de Stübel
This small bird measures 12 cm in length. The male has a distinct crest, like the other 3 species of the genus that was formerly all together. The front of the head, including dark eyes, is black, except in its symmetry. Behind the black is a light beige collar from the back of the head to the chest (white in the other 3 species). A black mark marks the light forehead that continues into a narrow, high crest, light reddish, becoming blackish on the back of the Buffy Helmetcrest's (Colibri fauve) crown. Under the black, thin, short and straight beak, a green chin continues with a long purple beard pointing towards the chest. The upper parts are greenish with golden reflections in the light. The wings are chestnut brown. The underside is a warm brown nuanced with greenish. The tail is brown, quite short and pointed, with a pale stripe on each of the rectrices. The female resembles the male, but without a crest and without bright colors on the head. The underside of the body is darker; The juvenile resembles the female but is generally more reddish.
Subspecific information monotypic species
Foreign names
- Colibri fauve,
- Colibrí chivito del Nevado del Ruiz,
- colibri-de-poupa-do-nevado,
- Violettbart-Helmkolibri,
- Purperbaardhelmkolibrie,
- purpurskäggig hjälmkolibri,
- Okerhjelmkolibri,
- vrchárik goliernatý,
- kolibřík tolimský,
- Violetstrubet Hjelmkolibri,
- colibrí emplomallat de Stübel,
- hełmik modrobrody,
- Фиолетовобородая горная нимфа,
- キイロヘルメットハチドリ,
- 黄髯蜂鸟,
- 棕髯蜂鳥,
Threats - protection
IUCN conservation status
in the Wild
The Buffy Helmetcrest (Colibri fauve) is a vulnerable species.
Sources of information
- IOC World Bird List (v14.2), Gill, F and D Donsker (Eds). 2024-04-18.
- Birds of the World, The Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Other sources of interest

Translation by AI Oiseaux.net
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