Catégorie :: Livres anglais (6020 livres)

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Bring Back the Buffalo!: A Sustainable Future for America's Great Plains

Bring Back the Buffalo!: A Sustainable Future for America's Great Plains
de Ernest Callenbach(Ed. Island Press) Isbn : 1559634405
28.5 €
In their heyday over 30 million buffalo thundered across much of North America. After being hunted almost to extinction a century ago, bison are making a comeback. In this book Callenbach (Ecotopia Emerging, LJ 4/1/81) sees the reemergence of the bison as a principle player in the ecology of the Great Plains as almost panacean, resulting in the sustainable future of a region badly in need of reinvigoration. He explores the history, current status, and future potential of the buffalo in depth, covering such topics as bison as food (including recipes!), bison on Native American, public, and private land, and bison politics and cowboy culture. The writing is clear and readable, the arguments cogent if a bit redundant. Recommended for all libraries in the Great Plains states, for environmental...

Birds in Wales

Birds in Wales
de (Ed. Academic Press Inc) Isbn : 0856610690
33.08 €
In the years that have passed since the first naturalists visited Wales, changes of unimaginable scale have taken place in the Welsh countryside which have had equally dramatic impacts on the native bird communities. A succession of bird species have either been eliminated deliberately by the hand of man - mainly birds of prey - or have been dispossessed by changes in land use, the spread of industrialisation, urbanisation and pollution, trends which continue today to the increasing detriment of even some of our most familiar countryside birds. Much fine habitat remains however, and the new species have come in to colonise Wales and add to the magic of its countryside. This volume sets out for the first time the historical and current status of all the bird species found in Wales together ...


de John Love(Ed. Voyageur Press Inc) Isbn : 0896583392
16.1 €
In the WorldLife Library series, a compilation of research and scientific studies reveals the anatomical, physiological, and behavioral features of the world's penguin population. Love, a zoologist, looks at the discovery and history of penguins, their attributes, mating habits, and the conservation of them in a dense, scientific text paired with dramatic full- color photographs. This seemingly awkward flightless bird can be viewed engaging in acrobatic displays while incubating a snowball or pebble in the absence of an egg, or gracefully gliding underwater in ballet-like maneuvers. An in-depth discussion of head ornamentation, body adaptations, metabolic rate of processing oxygen, life cycle, and penguin society raises this above the average animal-fact annals. Most young penguin enthusia...


de John A. Love(Ed. Whittet Books Ltd) Isbn : 1873580169
9.44 €
In the WorldLife Library series, a compilation of research and scientific studies reveals the anatomical, physiological, and behavioral features of the world's penguin population. Love, a zoologist, looks at the discovery and history of penguins, their attributes, mating habits, and the conservation of them in a dense, scientific text paired with dramatic full- color photographs. This seemingly awkward flightless bird can be viewed engaging in acrobatic displays while incubating a snowball or pebble in the absence of an egg, or gracefully gliding underwater in ballet-like maneuvers. An in-depth discussion of head ornamentation, body adaptations, metabolic rate of processing oxygen, life cycle, and penguin society raises this above the average animal-fact annals. Most young penguin enthusia...

Light Curve Modeling of Eclipsing Binary Stars

Light Curve Modeling of Eclipsing Binary Stars
de (Ed. Springer-Verlag New York Inc.) Isbn : 0387979468
99.82 €
In the two decades since the development of the first eclipsing-binary modeling code, new analytic techniques and the availability of powerful, sometimes dedicated computing facilities have made possible vastly improved determinations of fundamental and even transient stellar parameters. The scale of these developments, of course, raises questions about modeling tools, techniques, and philosophies, such as: Who will maintain and upgrade the codes? Will the codes be open to improvement by outsiders, and if so, how? And, indeed, what should be the goals of a modeling program? Such questions had not been aired for a long time and, for this reason alone, deserved to be discussed in as general a forum as the community provides. This volume contains material presented by Commission 42 (Close Bin...

Light Curve Modeling of Eclipsing Binary Stars

Light Curve Modeling of Eclipsing Binary Stars
de (Ed. Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH Co. K) Isbn : 3540979468
65.2 €
In the two decades since the development of the first eclipsing-binary modeling code, new analytic techniques and the availability of powerful, sometimes dedicated computing facilities have made possible vastly improved determinations of fundamental and even transient stellar parameters. The scale of these developments, of course, raises questions about modeling tools, techniques, and philosophies, such as: Who will maintain and upgrade the codes? Will the codes be open to improvement by outsiders, and if so, how? And, indeed, what should be the goals of a modeling program? Such questions had not been aired for a long time and, for this reason alone, deserved to be discussed in as general a forum as the community provides. This volume contains material presented by Commission 42 (Close Bin...

The Geese of Beaver Bog

The Geese of Beaver Bog
de Bernd Heinrich(Ed. Ecco) Isbn : 0060197455
23.7 €
In the summer of 1998, award-winning writer and biologist Bernd Heinrich found himself the unwitting -- but doting -- foster parent of an adorable gosling named Peep. Good-natured, spirited Peep drew Heinrich into her world -- one he found to be filled with as much color and drama as that of her human counterparts. And so, with a scientist's training and a nature lover's boundless curiosity and enthusiasm, Heinrich set out to observe and understand the travails and triumphs of the Canada geese,...

Audubon's Wilderness Palette: The Birds of Canada

Audubon's Wilderness Palette: The Birds of Canada
de David M Lank(Ed. Key Porter Books Ltd) Isbn : 1550139789
36.42 €
In the summer of 1833, John James Audubon, his son and several friends embarked on the schooner«Ripley»and sailed from Eastport, Maine to Nova Scotia to the St. Lawrence. Audubon kept a detailed diary describing the land, the sea, the vegetation, the people and, above all, the birds that he encountered. Many of the paintings he created along the way are considered his most beautiful and are reproduced here in«Audubon's Wilderness Palette.»Many of the birds represented here have become extinct or are threatened. With the strokes of his brush, Audubon has in many ways preserved a natural legacy, permitting those who view his paintings and engravings the opportunity to visit a world that has vanished. David Lank has written twenty-one books on subjects ranging from wildlife art to trekking in...

The Art of Birds

The Art of Birds
de Pablo Neruda, Jack Schmitt(Ed. University of Texas Press) Isbn : 0292703716
18.96 €
In The Separate Rose , written near the end of his life, the Chilean Nobel Laureate attempts to unravel both the ancient silence and mystery of Easter Island (which he visited in 1971) and the human condition of his contemporary world. Yet like the island stones themselves, these mysteries are impenetrable: ``O separate rose . . . alone in your lonesome dynasty,/ still unattainable, elusive, desolate/ like one drop, like one grape, like the sea.'' The preface offers a brief history of the islands and discusses Neruda's interest in and visit to them. Art of Birds is one of Neruda's most spirited collections, and this first English edition of his 1966 book is complemented with bold, playful drawings. For Neruda, ``birds and flight'' were metaphors of the human spirit's potential, often never...

Dinosaurs in the Sea

Dinosaurs in the Sea
de Dougal Dixon(Ed. Gareth Stevens Pub) Isbn : 0836833295
Prix : NC
In the Sea takes an in depth look at the creatures that ruled the oceans during prehistoric times. From the huge monsters of the deep to the smaller creatures that colonised the shallow rivers, insightful text and colour illustrations and photos allow the reader to develop a broad introductory knowledge to these dinosaurs. This book is ideal for use in conjunction with project work in schools.