Caïque à ventre blanc - Pionites leucogaster

White-bellied Parrot

Caïque à ventre blanc
This chunky little parrot is native to the Amazon rainforest, south of the Amazon forest. North of the Amazon is a closely related, but distinctly different species, the Black-capped Parrot (P. melanocephala), and the two forms have been considered a single species (they do sometimes hybridize in the wild in areas where their respective ranges overlap). The English name is sometimes given with caique in place of parrot .
  • Lorito rubio oriental
  • marianinha-de-cabeça-amarela
  • Rostkappenpapagei
  • Pionites leucogaster
  • Psittaciformes



Ordre : Psittaciformes
Famille : Psittacidés
Espèce : Caïque à ventre blanc

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Réf. O.Net : bkma58312
Auteur :

Prise de vue

Pays : Brésil (br)
Région : Amazonas
Lieu : Cotovelo Cotovelo
Lat. : 0° 51' 48'' Nord
Lng. : 62° 35' 24'' Ouest