The Chestnut-hooded Laughingthrushes are common and bold, and come out onto lawns and open areas, providing good views. They have a rather hoarse scolding or chattering contact call note, and often travel in loose groups, and something about them seems, to me, to be vaguely jay-like, always engaged in, and with something to say about, the environment they so happily inhabit.
They are 22 to 24 cm in length…roughly like an American Robin or Eurasian Blackbird in general size, or perhaps a tad smaller overall.
On this species the beak, feet, and the bare skin around the eye are all a lovely golden colour. The combination of chestnut and grey in their plumage, set off by frost-white wing patches that are very conspicuous when the bird flies, is certainly unusual in my experience, perhaps unique to these two closely related species.