There are four species of nuthatch found in North America.
The top figures show an adult male White-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis) feeding two young birds, recently out of the nest. The young, although about the same size and colour as the adults, follow the adults around, begging food, for a couple of weeks after leaving the nest. White-breasted Nuthatches have a huge range across North America, south of the boreal forest, and deep into parts of Mexico. They winter southern Canada and all of the 48 contiguous U.S. states, are frequent visitors to bird-feeders and are both popular and well-known.
The bird on the middle left side is a male Red-breasted Nuthatch (S. canadensis). It nests mostly in boreal forests, and in mountain forests of western North America, but winters throughout most of North America, from southern Alaska to northern Florida.
The middle figure on the right is the Pygmy Nuthatch (S. pygmaea), which is found in the mountains of western North America and western Mexico. It is not very migratory.
The bottom figure is the very closely related and similar Brown-headed Nuthatch (S. pusilla), which is found in the south-eastern U.S., and coastal states, mainly in pine forests. Both these last two species have always impressed me as tiny birds who associate with huge trees.