Red-tailed Hawk - Buteo jamaicensis

Buse à queue rousse

Red-tailed Hawk
Carrying prey!
  • Busardo colirrojo
  • bútio-de-rabo-vermelho
  • Rotschwanzbussard
  • Buteo jamaicensis
  • Accipitriformes

The species


Order  : Accipitriformes
Family : Accipitridae
Species : Red-tailed Hawk

Geographic range by countries

specie's pictures

by the author
all the pictures

The picture

O.Net ref. : bomo15215
Author :
Nature Photography


date : 2005 Feb
Lat. : 39° 49' 5'' North
Lng. : 77° 13' 24'' West

Exif Data [+] [-]

Model : Canon EOS 20D

Exposure : 1/1000 s

aperture : 7.1

Focal length : 420 mm

Iso : 200

Flash : no