Moments with nature - Instants avec la nature


Humanity's relationship with nature is being redefined endlessly since the times of ancient Egypt and Greece. 


Who dominates, what rights and more and more what price, what value to put on the natural world?


Each moment we spend emerged in the natural world, nurtures our souls and brings us in contact with the eternal cycle of life.

Through my photographs I aim to capture the beauty and fragility of the world that surrounds us.


A   unique moment of light and movement !   


        Dora Zarzavatsaki, Lake Geneva ( Lac Leman), July 2013




Mes dernières photos
(645 espèces, 1540 photos)

  • Moucherolle cannelle Moucherolle cannelle
  • Troglodyte montagnard Troglodyte montagnard
  • Mouette du Tibet Mouette du Tibet
  • Aigrette sacrée Aigrette sacrée
  • Pluvier fauve Pluvier fauve
  • Pluvier du Tibet Pluvier du Tibet