White-fronted Plover - Anarhynchus marginatus

Gravelot à front blanc

White-fronted Ploveradult, identification

  • identification
  • adult
  • Chorlitejo frentiblanco
  • borrelho-de-testa-branca
  • Weißstirn-Regenpfeifer
  • Anarhynchus marginatus
  • Charadriiformes

The species


Order  : Charadriiformes
Family : Charadriidae
Species : White-fronted Plover

Geographic range by countries

specie's pictures

by the author
all the pictures

The picture

O.Net ref. : frfo73739
Author :
Plumage : adult


date : 2009 Sep
Country : South Africa (sf)
Region : Western Cape
Place : Nature's Valley Nature's Valley
Lat. : 33° 58' 41'' South
Lng. : 23° 34' 42'' East

Exif Data [+] [-]

Model : Canon EOS Kiss Digital X

Exposure : 1/640 s

aperture : 9

Focal length : 400 mm

Iso : 400

Flash : no