Moluccan Scops Owl - Otus magicus

Petit-duc mystérieux

Moluccan Scops Owl

  • Autillo moluqueño
  • mocho-de-orelhas-das-molucas
  • Molukken-Zwergohreule
  • Otus magicus
  • Strigiformes

The species


Order  : Strigiformes
Family : Strigidae
Species : Moluccan Scops Owl

Geographic range by countries

specie's pictures

by the author
all the pictures

The picture

O.Net ref. : jgke82042
Author :


Country : Indonesia (id)
Region : North Maluku
Place : Pulau Miskin Pulau Miskin
Lat. : 0° 6' 6'' North
Lng. : 127° 26' 23'' East