Black-and-chestnut Eagle - Spizaetus isidori

Aigle d'Isidore

Black-and-chestnut Eagle, feeding habits, eats
Observé en prédation d'un armadillo (tatou en français).
  • feeding habits
  • eats
  • Águila poma
  • gavião-bicolor
  • Kastanienbauchadler
  • Spizaetus isidori
  • Accipitriformes

The species


Order  : Accipitriformes
Family : Accipitridae
Species : Black-and-chestnut Eagle

Geographic range by countries

specie's pictures

all the pictures

The picture

O.Net ref. : rist335469
Author :


date : 2023 Feb
Country : Ecuador (ec)
Region : Pichincha
Place : Miradores Miradores
Lat. : 0° 2' 35'' North
Lng. : 78° 42' 47'' West