
Famille des Phylloscopidae

1 genre et 81 espèces.

Classement :
Nom scientifique Nom commun Nom anglais
Phylloscopus affinisPouillot de TickellTickell's Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus affinis occisinensisPouillot alpinTickell's Leaf Warbler (occisinensis)
Phylloscopus amoenusPouillot de KulambangraKolombangara Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus armandiiPouillot de Milne-EdwardsYellow-streaked Warbler
Phylloscopus bonelliPouillot de BonelliWestern Bonelli's Warbler
Phylloscopus borealisPouillot boréalArctic Warbler
Phylloscopus borealoidesPouillot du JaponSakhalin Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus budongoensisPouillot de l'OugandaUganda Woodland Warbler
Phylloscopus burkiiPouillot de BurkeGreen-crowned Warbler
Phylloscopus calciatilisPouillot calciatileLimestone Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus canariensisPouillot des CanariesCanary Islands Chiffchaff
Phylloscopus cantatorPouillot chanteurYellow-vented Warbler
Phylloscopus castanicepsPouillot à couronne marronChestnut-crowned Warbler
Phylloscopus cebuensisPouillot à gorge citronLemon-throated Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus chloronotusPouillot à dos clairLemon-rumped Warbler
Phylloscopus claudiaePouillot de ClaudiaClaudia's Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus collybitaPouillot véloceCommon Chiffchaff
Phylloscopus collybita abietinusPouillot véloce scandinaveCommon Chiffchaff (abietinus)
Phylloscopus collybita tristisPouillot de SibérieCommon Chiffchaff (tristis)
Phylloscopus coronatusPouillot de TemminckEastern Crowned Warbler
Phylloscopus emeiensisPouillot de l'OmeiEmei Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus examinandusPouillot du KamtchatkaKamchatka Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus floresianusPouillot de FlorèsFlores Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus forrestiPouillot de LichiangSichuan Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus fuligiventerPouillot enfuméSmoky Warbler
Phylloscopus fuscatusPouillot brunDusky Warbler
Phylloscopus goodsoniPouillot de GoodsonHartert's Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus grammicepsPouillot de la SondeSunda Warbler
Phylloscopus griseolusPouillot griséoleSulphur-bellied Warbler
Phylloscopus hainanusPouillot de HainanHainan Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus herbertiPouillot à tête noireBlack-capped Woodland Warbler
Phylloscopus humeiPouillot de HumeHume's Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus ibericusPouillot ibériqueIberian Chiffchaff
Phylloscopus ijimaePouillot d'IjimaIjima's Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus inornatusPouillot à grands sourcilsYellow-browed Warbler
Phylloscopus intensiorPouillot de DavisonDavison's Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus intermediusPouillot affinWhite-spectacled Warbler
Phylloscopus kansuensisPouillot du GansuGansu Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus laetusPouillot à face rousseRed-faced Woodland Warbler
Phylloscopus lauraePouillot de LauraLaura's Woodland Warbler
Phylloscopus maculipennisPouillot à face griseAshy-throated Warbler
Phylloscopus maforensisPouillot de NumforNumfor Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus magnirostrisPouillot à gros becLarge-billed Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus makirensisPouillot de San CristobalMakira Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus misoriensisPouillot de BiakBiak Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus montisPouillot à poitrine jauneYellow-breasted Warbler
Phylloscopus neglectusPouillot modestePlain Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus nesophilusPouillot des CélèbesSulawesi Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus nigrorumPouillot de MoseleyNegros Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus nitidusPouillot du CaucaseGreen Warbler
Phylloscopus occipitalisPouillot couronnéWestern Crowned Warbler
Phylloscopus ogilviegrantiPouillot d'Olgivie-GrantKloss's Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus olivaceusPouillot des PhilippinesPhilippine Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus omeiensisPouillot de TaibaiMartens's Warbler
Phylloscopus orientalisPouillot orientalEastern Bonelli's Warbler
Phylloscopus plumbeitarsusPouillot à deux barresTwo-barred Warbler
Phylloscopus poliocephalusPouillot des îlesIsland Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus poliogenysPouillot à joues grisesGrey-cheeked Warbler
Phylloscopus presbytesPouillot de TimorTimor Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus proregulusPouillot de PallasPallas's Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus pulcherPouillot élégantBuff-barred Warbler
Phylloscopus reguloidesPouillot de BlythBlyth's Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus rickettiPouillot de RickettSulphur-breasted Warbler
Phylloscopus rotiensisPouillot de RoteRote Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus ruficapillaPouillot à gorge jauneYellow-throated Woodland Warbler
Phylloscopus sarasinorumPouillot du LompobatangLompobattang Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus schwarziPouillot de SchwarzRadde's Warbler
Phylloscopus sibilatrixPouillot siffleurWood Warbler
Phylloscopus sindianusPouillot montagnardMountain Chiffchaff
Phylloscopus sororPouillot à queue unieAlström's Warbler
Phylloscopus subaffinisPouillot subaffinBuff-throated Warbler
Phylloscopus subviridisPouillot de BrooksBrooks's Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus tenellipesPouillot à pattes clairesPale-legged Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus tephrocephalusPouillot à calotte griseGrey-crowned Warbler
Phylloscopus trivirgatusPouillot à triple bandeauMountain Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus trochiloidesPouillot verdâtreGreenish Warbler
Phylloscopus trochilusPouillot fitisWillow Warbler
Phylloscopus tytleriPouillot de TytlerTytler's Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus umbrovirensPouillot ombréBrown Woodland Warbler
Phylloscopus valentiniPouillot de BianchiBianchi's Warbler
Phylloscopus whistleriPouillot de WhistlerWhistler's Warbler
Phylloscopus xanthodryasPouillot du PacifiqueJapanese Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus xanthoschistosPouillot à tête griseGrey-hooded Warbler
Phylloscopus yunnanensisPouillot du SitchouanChinese Leaf Warbler

Sources : Gill, F and D Donsker (Eds). 2024-04-18. IOC World Bird List (v14.2) doi : 10.14344/IOC.ML.14.2.
Avibase (ioc v14.2), the world bird database - Lepage, D. 2024-12-20. © 1996-2025