Mangrove Warbler
Setophaga petechia - Paruline des mangroves
Subspecific information 34 subspecies
- Setophaga petechia petechia (Barbados)
- Setophaga petechia oraria (e Mexico)
- Setophaga petechia bryanti (se Mexico to s Nicaragua)
- Setophaga petechia erithachorides (e Costa Rica to n Colombia)
- Setophaga petechia chrysendeta (ne Colombia and extreme nw Venezuela)
- Setophaga petechia paraguanae (Paraguaná Pen.. nw Venezuela.)
- Setophaga petechia cienagae (nw to n Venezuela and nearby islands)
- Setophaga petechia castaneiceps (s Baja California. nw Mexico.)
- Setophaga petechia rhizophorae (Sonora and Sinaloa. nw Mexico.)
- Setophaga petechia phillipsi (w Mexico to Honduras)
- Setophaga petechia xanthotera (w Nicaragua and w Costa Rica)
- Setophaga petechia aithocorys (sw Panama and Coiba I.)
- Setophaga petechia iguanae (Iguana I.. off s Panama.)
- Setophaga petechia aequatorialis (sc Panama)
- Setophaga petechia jubaris (se Panama to wc Colombia)
- Setophaga petechia peruviana (sw Colombia to nw Peru)
- Setophaga petechia aureola (Coco and Galápagos Is.)
- Setophaga petechia ruficapilla (Martinique. sc Lesser Antilles.)
- Setophaga petechia rufivertex (Cozumel I.. off se Mexico.)
- Setophaga petechia armouri (Providencia I.. east of Nicaragua.)
- Setophaga petechia flavida (San Andrés I.. east of Nicaragua.)
- Setophaga petechia eoa (Cayman Is. and Jamaica)
- Setophaga petechia gundlachi (Florida Keys. extreme se USA. , Cuba and Isle of Pines)
- Setophaga petechia flaviceps (Bahama Is.)
- Setophaga petechia albicollis (Hispaniola and nearby islands)
- Setophaga petechia chlora (Seven Brothers Keys. off n Hispaniola.)
- Setophaga petechia solaris (Gonâve Is.. off w Hispaniola.)
- Setophaga petechia bartholemica (Puerto Rico, Virgin Is. and the n Lesser Antilles)
- Setophaga petechia melanoptera (c Lesser Antilles)
- Setophaga petechia babad (St. Lucia. sc Lesser Antilles.)
- Setophaga petechia alsiosa (Grenadine Is.. s Lesser Antilles.)
- Setophaga petechia rufopileata (Aruba, Netherlands Antilles and other islands off n Venezuela)
- Setophaga petechia obscura (Las Aves, Los Roques and La Orchila Is.. off n Venezuela.)
- Setophaga petechia aurifrons (ne Venezuela and nearby islands)
Foreign names
- Paruline des mangroves,
- Reinita de manglar,
- mariquita-do-mangue,
- Mangrovewaldsänger,
- sárga lombjáró,
- Mangrovezanger,
- Parula gialla,
- mangroveskogssångare,
- Gulparula,
- horárik zlatý,
- lesňáček žlutý,
- Gul Sanger,
- keltakerttuli,
- bosquerola dels manglars,
- Gulskríkja,
- lasówka złotawa,
- dzeltenais ķauķis,
- zlati gozdičar,
- Золотистый лесной певун,
- キイロアメリカムシクイ,
- 黄林莺,
- mangroveskogssångare,
- 紅樹林黃色林鶯〔黃色林鶯〕,
Threats - protection
IUCN conservation status
in the Wild
in the Wild
Sources of information
- Amazona Guadeloupe, association AMAZONA
- Avibase, Lepage Denis
- Bird co - Les oiseaux de Martinique et autres petites choses,
- Les Oiseaux des Antilles, Herbert Raffaele, James Wiley, Orlando Garrido, Alan Keith, Janis Raffaele
- Birds of the World, The Cornell Lab of Ornithology
- All About Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
- Birds of Peru, Thomas S.Schulenberg, Douglas F.Stotz, Daniel F.Lane, John P.O'Neill, Theodore A.Parker III
- Birds of Colombia, Steven L. Hilty and William L. Brown
- Birds of Ecuador, Juan Freile and Robin Restall
- IOC World Bird List (v14.2), Gill, F and D Donsker (Eds). 2024-04-18.
Other sources of interest
- Accipitriformes
- Aegotheliformes
- Anseriformes
- Apodiformes
- Apterygiformes
- Bucerotiformes
- Caprimulgiformes
- Cariamiformes
- Casuariiformes
- Charadriiformes
- Ciconiiformes
- Coliiformes
- Columbiformes
- Coraciiformes
- Cuculiformes
- Eurypygiformes
- Falconiformes
- Galliformes
- Gaviiformes
- Gruiformes
- Leptosomiformes
- Mesitornithiformes
- Musophagiformes
- Nyctibiiformes
- Opisthocomiformes
- Otidiformes
- Passeriformes
- Pelecaniformes
- Phaethontiformes
- Phoenicopteriformes
- Piciformes
- Podargiformes
- Podicipediformes
- Procellariiformes
- Psittaciformes
- Pterocliformes
- Rheiformes
- Sphenisciformes
- Steatornithiformes
- Strigiformes
- Struthioniformes
- Suliformes
- Tinamiformes
- Trogoniformes