Souimanga de Macklot - Leptocoma calcostetha

Copper-throated Sunbird

Souimanga de Macklot
This sunbird typically looks quite dark in the field, although it has brightly metallic iridescent colours -- greens, purples, brittle blue and the dark copper colour of the throat. There are also bright yellow, non-iridescent pectoral tufts, usually not visible, except during displays or when the wings are raised, and a dark, velvety black. A real challenge to paint! The range is a bit odd in that it is widely found in southeast Asia, and on various major islands, including Sumatra and Java, parts of Borneo and Palawan, in the Philippines, and yet apparently shows no geographic variations of subspecific forms throughout this rather vast, disjunct range. This painting is approximately life-size, and is done in gouache watercolours, on acrylic, on watercolour paper.
  • Suimanga de Macklot
  • nectarínia-de-papo-acobreado
  • Kupferkehl-Nektarvogel
  • Leptocoma calcostetha
  • Passeriformes



Ordre : Passériformes
Famille : Nectariniidés
Espèce : Souimanga de Macklot

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Réf. O.Net : bkma31600
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Pays : Canada (ca)
Région : Ontario
Lieu : Markham Markham
Lat. : 43° 52' 41'' Nord
Lng. : 79° 16' 41'' Ouest