Sri Lanka Spurfowl - Galloperdix bicalcarata

Galloperdrix de Ceylan

Sri Lanka Spurfowl

  • Faisancillo de Ceilán
  • perdiz-cingalesa
  • Ceylonspornhuhn
  • Galloperdix bicalcarata
  • Galliformes

The species


Order  : Galliformes
Family : Phasianidae
Species : Sri Lanka Spurfowl

Geographic range by countries

specie's pictures

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The picture

O.Net ref. : jogo35200
Author :


Country : Sri Lanka (ce)
Region : Uva
Place : Kehelagala Kehelagala
Lat. : 6° 49' 18'' North
Lng. : 81° 10' 18'' East