
Family : Cracidae

11 genus and 57 species.

Classification :
English name Scientific name Common name
Alagoas CurassowMitu mituHocco mitou
Andean GuanPenelope montagniiPénélope des Andes
Band-tailed GuanPenelope argyrotisPénélope à queue barrée
Bare-faced CurassowCrax fasciolataHocco à face nue
Baudo GuanPenelope ortoniPénélope d'Orton
Bearded GuanPenelope barbataPénélope barbue
Black CurassowCrax alectorHocco alector
Black GuanChamaepetes unicolorPénélope unicolore
Black-fronted Piping GuanPipile jacutingaPénélope à front noir
Blue-billed CurassowCrax albertiHocco d'Albert
Blue-throated Piping GuanPipile cumanensisPénélope à gorge bleue
Buff-browed ChachalacaOrtalis superciliarisOrtalide à sourcils
Cauca GuanPenelope perspicaxPénélope de Cauca
Chaco ChachalacaOrtalis canicollisOrtalide du Chaco
Chestnut-bellied GuanPenelope ochrogasterPénélope à ventre roux
Chestnut-headed ChachalacaOrtalis ruficepsPetite Ortalide
Chestnut-winged ChachalacaOrtalis garrulaOrtalide babillarde
Colombian ChachalacaOrtalis columbianaOrtalide de Colombie
Crested GuanPenelope purpurascensPénélope panachée
Crestless CurassowMitu tomentosumHocco de Spix
Dusky-legged GuanPenelope obscuraPénélope yacouhou
East Brazilian ChachalacaOrtalis araucuanOrtalide araucua
Great CurassowCrax rubraGrand Hocco
Grey-headed ChachalacaOrtalis cinereicepsOrtalide à tête grise
Helmeted CurassowPauxi pauxiHocco à pierre
Highland GuanPenelopina nigraPénélope pajuil
Horned CurassowPauxi unicornisHocco unicorne
Horned GuanOreophasis derbianusOréophase cornu
Little ChachalacaOrtalis motmotOrtalide motmot
Marail GuanPenelope marailPénélope marail
Nocturnal CurassowNothocrax urumutumHocco nocturne
Plain ChachalacaOrtalis vetulaOrtalide chacamel
Razor-billed CurassowMitu tuberosumHocco tuberculé
Red-billed CurassowCrax blumenbachiiHocco de Blumenbach
Red-faced GuanPenelope dabbeneiPénélope de Dabbene
Red-throated Piping GuanPipile cujubiPénélope cujubi
Rufous-bellied ChachalacaOrtalis wagleriOrtalide à ventre marron
Rufous-headed ChachalacaOrtalis erythropteraOrtalide à tête rousse
Rufous-vented ChachalacaOrtalis ruficaudaOrtalide à ventre roux
Rusty-margined GuanPenelope superciliarisPénélope péoa
Salvin's CurassowMitu salviniHocco de Salvin
Scaled ChachalacaOrtalis squamataOrtalide écaillée
Sickle-winged GuanChamaepetes goudotiiPénélope de Goudot
Sira CurassowPauxi koepckeaeHocco de Koepcke
Speckled ChachalacaOrtalis guttataOrtalide maillée
Spix's GuanPenelope jacquacuPénélope de Spix
Trinidad Piping GuanPipile pipilePénélope siffleuse
Wattled CurassowCrax globulosaHocco globuleux
Wattled GuanAburria aburriPénélope aburri
West Mexican ChachalacaOrtalis poliocephalaOrtalide de Wagler
White-bellied ChachalacaOrtalis leucogastraOrtalide à ventre blanc
White-browed GuanPenelope jacucacaPénélope à front blanc
White-crested GuanPenelope pileataPénélope à poitrine rousse
White-throated Piping GuanPipile grayiPénélope de Gray
White-winged GuanPenelope albipennisPénélope à ailes blanches
Yellow-knobbed CurassowCrax daubentoniHocco de Daubenton
Yungas GuanPenelope bridgesiPénélope des yungas

Sources : Gill, F and D Donsker (Eds). 2024-04-18. IOC World Bird List (v14.2) doi : 10.14344/IOC.ML.14.2.
Avibase (ioc v14.2), the world bird database - Lepage, D. 2024-12-20. © 1996-2025