
Family : Cracidae

11 genus and 57 species.

Classification :
English name Scientific name Common name
Plain ChachalacaOrtalis vetulaOrtalide chacamel
Grey-headed ChachalacaOrtalis cinereicepsOrtalide à tête grise
Chestnut-winged ChachalacaOrtalis garrulaOrtalide babillarde
Rufous-vented ChachalacaOrtalis ruficaudaOrtalide à ventre roux
Rufous-headed ChachalacaOrtalis erythropteraOrtalide à tête rousse
Rufous-bellied ChachalacaOrtalis wagleriOrtalide à ventre marron
West Mexican ChachalacaOrtalis poliocephalaOrtalide de Wagler
Chaco ChachalacaOrtalis canicollisOrtalide du Chaco
White-bellied ChachalacaOrtalis leucogastraOrtalide à ventre blanc
Speckled ChachalacaOrtalis guttataOrtalide maillée
East Brazilian ChachalacaOrtalis araucuanOrtalide araucua
Scaled ChachalacaOrtalis squamataOrtalide écaillée
Colombian ChachalacaOrtalis columbianaOrtalide de Colombie
Little ChachalacaOrtalis motmotOrtalide motmot
Chestnut-headed ChachalacaOrtalis ruficepsPetite Ortalide
Buff-browed ChachalacaOrtalis superciliarisOrtalide à sourcils
Band-tailed GuanPenelope argyrotisPénélope à queue barrée
Bearded GuanPenelope barbataPénélope barbue
Baudo GuanPenelope ortoniPénélope d'Orton
Andean GuanPenelope montagniiPénélope des Andes
Marail GuanPenelope marailPénélope marail
Rusty-margined GuanPenelope superciliarisPénélope péoa
Red-faced GuanPenelope dabbeneiPénélope de Dabbene
Crested GuanPenelope purpurascensPénélope panachée
Cauca GuanPenelope perspicaxPénélope de Cauca
White-winged GuanPenelope albipennisPénélope à ailes blanches
Spix's GuanPenelope jacquacuPénélope de Spix
Dusky-legged GuanPenelope obscuraPénélope yacouhou
Yungas GuanPenelope bridgesiPénélope des yungas
White-crested GuanPenelope pileataPénélope à poitrine rousse
Chestnut-bellied GuanPenelope ochrogasterPénélope à ventre roux
White-browed GuanPenelope jacucacaPénélope à front blanc
Trinidad Piping GuanPipile pipilePénélope siffleuse
Blue-throated Piping GuanPipile cumanensisPénélope à gorge bleue
White-throated Piping GuanPipile grayiPénélope de Gray
Red-throated Piping GuanPipile cujubiPénélope cujubi
Black-fronted Piping GuanPipile jacutingaPénélope à front noir
Wattled GuanAburria aburriPénélope aburri
Black GuanChamaepetes unicolorPénélope unicolore
Sickle-winged GuanChamaepetes goudotiiPénélope de Goudot
Highland GuanPenelopina nigraPénélope pajuil
Horned GuanOreophasis derbianusOréophase cornu
Nocturnal CurassowNothocrax urumutumHocco nocturne
Crestless CurassowMitu tomentosumHocco de Spix
Salvin's CurassowMitu salviniHocco de Salvin
Razor-billed CurassowMitu tuberosumHocco tuberculé
Alagoas CurassowMitu mituHocco mitou
Helmeted CurassowPauxi pauxiHocco à pierre
Horned CurassowPauxi unicornisHocco unicorne
Sira CurassowPauxi koepckeaeHocco de Koepcke
Great CurassowCrax rubraGrand Hocco
Blue-billed CurassowCrax albertiHocco d'Albert
Yellow-knobbed CurassowCrax daubentoniHocco de Daubenton
Black CurassowCrax alectorHocco alector
Wattled CurassowCrax globulosaHocco globuleux
Bare-faced CurassowCrax fasciolataHocco à face nue
Red-billed CurassowCrax blumenbachiiHocco de Blumenbach

Sources : Gill, F and D Donsker (Eds). 2024-04-18. IOC World Bird List (v14.2) doi : 10.14344/IOC.ML.14.2.
Avibase (ioc v14.2), the world bird database - Lepage, D. 2024-12-20. © 1996-2025