
Family : Phylloscopidae

1 genus and 81 species.

Classification :
English name Scientific name Common name
Wood WarblerPhylloscopus sibilatrixPouillot siffleur
Western Bonelli's WarblerPhylloscopus bonelliPouillot de Bonelli
Eastern Bonelli's WarblerPhylloscopus orientalisPouillot oriental
Buff-barred WarblerPhylloscopus pulcherPouillot élégant
Ashy-throated WarblerPhylloscopus maculipennisPouillot à face grise
Hume's Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus humeiPouillot de Hume
Yellow-browed WarblerPhylloscopus inornatusPouillot à grands sourcils
Brooks's Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus subviridisPouillot de Brooks
Chinese Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus yunnanensisPouillot du Sitchouan
Lemon-rumped WarblerPhylloscopus chloronotusPouillot à dos clair
Sichuan Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus forrestiPouillot de Lichiang
Gansu Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus kansuensisPouillot du Gansu
Pallas's Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus proregulusPouillot de Pallas
Tytler's Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus tytleriPouillot de Tytler
Yellow-streaked WarblerPhylloscopus armandiiPouillot de Milne-Edwards
Radde's WarblerPhylloscopus schwarziPouillot de Schwarz
Sulphur-bellied WarblerPhylloscopus griseolusPouillot griséole
Tickell's Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus affinisPouillot de Tickell
Smoky WarblerPhylloscopus fuligiventerPouillot enfumé
Dusky WarblerPhylloscopus fuscatusPouillot brun
Plain Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus neglectusPouillot modeste
Buff-throated WarblerPhylloscopus subaffinisPouillot subaffin
Willow WarblerPhylloscopus trochilusPouillot fitis
Mountain ChiffchaffPhylloscopus sindianusPouillot montagnard
Canary Islands ChiffchaffPhylloscopus canariensisPouillot des Canaries
Common ChiffchaffPhylloscopus collybitaPouillot véloce
Iberian ChiffchaffPhylloscopus ibericusPouillot ibérique
Eastern Crowned WarblerPhylloscopus coronatusPouillot de Temminck
Ijima's Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus ijimaePouillot d'Ijima
Philippine Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus olivaceusPouillot des Philippines
Lemon-throated Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus cebuensisPouillot à gorge citron
Yellow-throated Woodland WarblerPhylloscopus ruficapillaPouillot à gorge jaune
Brown Woodland WarblerPhylloscopus umbrovirensPouillot ombré
Red-faced Woodland WarblerPhylloscopus laetusPouillot à face rousse
Laura's Woodland WarblerPhylloscopus lauraePouillot de Laura
Black-capped Woodland WarblerPhylloscopus herbertiPouillot à tête noire
Uganda Woodland WarblerPhylloscopus budongoensisPouillot de l'Ouganda
White-spectacled WarblerPhylloscopus intermediusPouillot affin
Grey-cheeked WarblerPhylloscopus poliogenysPouillot à joues grises
Green-crowned WarblerPhylloscopus burkiiPouillot de Burke
Grey-crowned WarblerPhylloscopus tephrocephalusPouillot à calotte grise
Whistler's WarblerPhylloscopus whistleriPouillot de Whistler
Bianchi's WarblerPhylloscopus valentiniPouillot de Bianchi
Alström's WarblerPhylloscopus sororPouillot à queue unie
Martens's WarblerPhylloscopus omeiensisPouillot de Taibai
Green WarblerPhylloscopus nitidusPouillot du Caucase
Two-barred WarblerPhylloscopus plumbeitarsusPouillot à deux barres
Greenish WarblerPhylloscopus trochiloidesPouillot verdâtre
Emei Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus emeiensisPouillot de l'Omei
Large-billed Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus magnirostrisPouillot à gros bec
Sakhalin Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus borealoidesPouillot du Japon
Pale-legged Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus tenellipesPouillot à pattes claires
Japanese Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus xanthodryasPouillot du Pacifique
Kamchatka Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus examinandusPouillot du Kamtchatka
Arctic WarblerPhylloscopus borealisPouillot boréal
Chestnut-crowned WarblerPhylloscopus castanicepsPouillot à couronne marron
Sunda WarblerPhylloscopus grammicepsPouillot de la Sonde
Yellow-breasted WarblerPhylloscopus montisPouillot à poitrine jaune
Limestone Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus calciatilisPouillot calciatile
Sulphur-breasted WarblerPhylloscopus rickettiPouillot de Rickett
Yellow-vented WarblerPhylloscopus cantatorPouillot chanteur
Western Crowned WarblerPhylloscopus occipitalisPouillot couronné
Blyth's Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus reguloidesPouillot de Blyth
Claudia's Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus claudiaePouillot de Claudia
Hartert's Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus goodsoniPouillot de Goodson
Kloss's Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus ogilviegrantiPouillot d'Olgivie-Grant
Hainan Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus hainanusPouillot de Hainan
Davison's Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus intensiorPouillot de Davison
Grey-hooded WarblerPhylloscopus xanthoschistosPouillot à tête grise
Mountain Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus trivirgatusPouillot à triple bandeau
Negros Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus nigrorumPouillot de Moseley
Flores Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus floresianusPouillot de Florès
Timor Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus presbytesPouillot de Timor
Rote Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus rotiensisPouillot de Rote
Makira Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus makirensisPouillot de San Cristobal
Sulawesi Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus nesophilusPouillot des Célèbes
Lompobattang Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus sarasinorumPouillot du Lompobatang
Kolombangara Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus amoenusPouillot de Kulambangra
Island Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus poliocephalusPouillot des îles
Numfor Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus maforensisPouillot de Numfor
Biak Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus misoriensisPouillot de Biak

Sources : Gill, F and D Donsker (Eds). 2024-04-18. IOC World Bird List (v14.2) doi : 10.14344/IOC.ML.14.2.
Avibase (ioc v14.2), the world bird database - Lepage, D. 2024-12-20. © 1996-2025