
Family : Turdidae

17 genus and 191 species.

Classification :
English name Scientific name Common name
GrandalaGrandala coelicolorGrandala bleu
Mountain BluebirdSialia currucoidesMerlebleu azuré
Western BluebirdSialia mexicanaMerlebleu de l'Ouest
Eastern BluebirdSialia sialisMerlebleu de l'Est
Finsch's Rufous ThrushStizorhina finschiStizorhin de Finsch
Fraser's Rufous ThrushStizorhina fraseriStizorhin de Fraser
White-tailed Ant ThrushNeocossyphus poensisNéocossyphe à queue blanche
Red-tailed Ant ThrushNeocossyphus rufusNéocossyphe à queue rousse
Boulder ChatPinarornis plumosusRochassier des éboulis
Brown-backed SolitaireMyadestes occidentalisSolitaire à dos brun
Slate-colored SolitaireMyadestes unicolorSolitaire ardoisé
Townsend's SolitaireMyadestes townsendiSolitaire de Townsend
KamaoMyadestes myadestinusSolitaire kamao
PuaiohiMyadestes palmeriSolitaire puaïohi
OlomaoMyadestes lanaiensisSolitaire de Lanai
OmaoMyadestes obscurusSolitaire d'Hawaï
Cuban SolitaireMyadestes elisabethSolitaire de Cuba
Rufous-throated SolitaireMyadestes genibarbisSolitaire siffleur
Black-faced SolitaireMyadestes melanopsSolitaire masqué
Varied SolitaireMyadestes coloratusSolitaire varié
Andean SolitaireMyadestes ralloidesSolitaire des Andes
FruithunterChlamydochaera jefferyiGrive de Bornéo
Purple CochoaCochoa purpureaCochoa pourpré
Green CochoaCochoa viridisCochoa vert
Sumatran CochoaCochoa beccariiCochoa de Sumatra
Javan CochoaCochoa azureaCochoa azuré
Varied ThrushIxoreus naeviusGrive à collier
Aztec ThrushRidgwayia pinicolaGrive aztèque
Rufous-brown SolitaireCichlopsis leucogenysSolitaire roux
Black SolitaireEntomodestes coracinusSolitaire noir
White-eared SolitaireEntomodestes leucotisSolitaire oreillard
Wood ThrushHylocichla mustelinaGrive des bois
Yellow-throated Nightingale-ThrushCatharus dryasGrive tavelée
Speckled Nightingale-ThrushCatharus maculatusGrive de Sclater
Orange-billed Nightingale-ThrushCatharus aurantiirostrisGrive à bec orange
Black-headed Nightingale-ThrushCatharus mexicanusGrive à tête noire
Slaty-backed Nightingale-ThrushCatharus fuscaterGrive ardoisée
Swainson's ThrushCatharus ustulatusGrive à dos olive
Black-billed Nightingale-ThrushCatharus gracilirostrisGrive à bec noir
Hermit ThrushCatharus guttatusGrive solitaire
Russet Nightingale-ThrushCatharus occidentalisGrive roussâtre
Ruddy-capped Nightingale-ThrushCatharus frantziiGrive à calotte rousse
Grey-cheeked ThrushCatharus minimusGrive à joues grises
Bicknell's ThrushCatharus bicknelliGrive de Bicknell
VeeryCatharus fuscescensGrive fauve
Long-tailed ThrushZoothera dixoniGrive de Dixon
Alpine ThrushZoothera mollissimaGrive de Hodgson
Himalayan ThrushZoothera salimaliiGrive de Salim Ali
Sichuan ThrushZoothera griseicepsGrive du Sichuan
Long-billed ThrushZoothera monticolaGrive montagnarde
GeomaliaZoothera heinrichiGrive des Célèbes
Dark-sided ThrushZoothera marginataGrive à grand bec
Everett's ThrushZoothera everettiGrive d'Everett
Sunda ThrushZoothera andromedaeGrive andromède
White's ThrushZoothera aureaGrive dorée
Scaly ThrushZoothera daumaGrive dama
Nilgiri ThrushZoothera neilgherriensisGrive de Nilghiri
Sri Lanka ThrushZoothera imbricataGrive du Sri Lanka
Amami ThrushZoothera majorGrive d'Amami
Bonin ThrushZoothera terrestrisGrive des Bonin
Guadalcanal ThrushZoothera turipavaeGrive de Guadalcanal
Makira ThrushZoothera margaretaeGrive des Salomon
Russet-tailed ThrushZoothera heineiGrive de Heine
Fawn-breasted ThrushZoothera machikiGrive à poitrine fauve
Bassian ThrushZoothera lunulataGrive à lunules
Black-backed ThrushZoothera talaseaeGrive de Nouvelle-Bretagne
Siberian ThrushGeokichla sibiricaGrive de Sibérie
Pied ThrushGeokichla wardiiGrive de Ward
Grey Ground ThrushGeokichla princeiGrive olivâtre
Black-eared Ground ThrushGeokichla camaronensisGrive du Cameroun
Spotted Ground ThrushGeokichla guttataGrive tachetée
Spot-winged ThrushGeokichla spilopteraGrive à ailes tachetées
Crossley's Ground ThrushGeokichla crossleyiGrive de Crossley
Abyssinian Ground ThrushGeokichla piaggiaeGrive de Piaggia
Oberländer's Ground ThrushGeokichla oberlaenderiGrive d'Oberlaender
Orange Ground ThrushGeokichla gurneyiGrive de Gurney
Orange-headed ThrushGeokichla citrinaGrive à tête orange
Buru ThrushGeokichla dumasiGrive de Dumas
Seram ThrushGeokichla joiceyiGrive de Céram
Orange-sided ThrushGeokichla peroniiGrive de Péron
Slaty-backed ThrushGeokichla schistaceaGrive schistacée
Chestnut-capped ThrushGeokichla interpresGrive de Kuhl
Enggano ThrushGeokichla leucolaemaGrive d'Enggano
Chestnut-backed ThrushGeokichla dohertyiGrive de Doherty
Ashy ThrushGeokichla cinereaGrive cendrée
Red-backed ThrushGeokichla erythronotaGrive à dos roux
Red-and-black ThrushGeokichla mendeniGrive de Menden
Ethiopian ThrushTurdus simensisGrive d'Éthiopie
Groundscraper ThrushTurdus litsitsirupaMerle litsitsirupa
Chinese ThrushTurdus mupinensisGrive de Verreaux
Song ThrushTurdus philomelosGrive musicienne
Mistle ThrushTurdus viscivorusGrive draine
African ThrushTurdus peliosMerle africain
Principe ThrushTurdus xanthorhynchusMerle de Principé
Sao Tome ThrushTurdus olivaceofuscusMerle de Sao Tomé
Abyssinian ThrushTurdus abyssinicusMerle abyssinien
Taita ThrushTurdus helleriMerle des Teita
Usambara ThrushTurdus roehliMerle de Roehl
Olive ThrushTurdus olivaceusMerle olivâtre
Kurrichane ThrushTurdus libonyanaMerle kurrichane
Comoro ThrushTurdus bewsheriMerle des Comores
Bare-eyed ThrushTurdus tephronotusMerle cendré
Karoo ThrushTurdus smithiMerle du Karroo
Somali ThrushTurdus ludoviciaeMerle de Somalie
Chinese BlackbirdTurdus mandarinusMerle oriental
RedwingTurdus iliacusGrive mauvis
Common BlackbirdTurdus merulaMerle noir
Yemen ThrushTurdus menachensisMerle du Yémen
Taiwan ThrushTurdus niveicepsMerle de Taïwan
Grey-winged BlackbirdTurdus boulboulMerle à ailes grises
Indian BlackbirdTurdus simillimusMerle des Nilgiri
Tickell's ThrushTurdus unicolorMerle unicolore
Black-breasted ThrushTurdus dissimilisMerle à poitrine noire
Japanese ThrushTurdus cardisMerle du Japon
Grey-backed ThrushTurdus hortulorumMerle à dos gris
Eyebrowed ThrushTurdus obscurusGrive obscure
Pale ThrushTurdus pallidusMerle pâle
Grey-sided ThrushTurdus feaeMerle de Fea
Brown-headed ThrushTurdus chrysolausMerle à flancs roux
Izu ThrushTurdus celaenopsMerle des Izu
Mindoro Island ThrushTurdus mindorensisMerle de Mindoro
Luzon Island ThrushTurdus thomassoniMerle de Luçon
Mindanao Island ThrushTurdus nigrorumMerle de Mindanao
Wallacean Island ThrushTurdus schlegeliiMerle de Schlegel
Christmas Island ThrushTurdus erythropleurusMerle de Christmas
Sundaic Island ThrushTurdus javanicusMerle de Java
Moluccan Island ThrushTurdus deningeriMerle de Deninger
Papuan Island ThrushTurdus papuensisMerle de Papouasie
Bismarck Island ThrushTurdus heinrothiMerle des Bismarck
Bougainville Island ThrushTurdus bougainvilleiMerle de Bougainville
Solomons Island ThrushTurdus kulambangraeMerle des Salomon
Vanikoro Island ThrushTurdus vanikorensisMerle de Vanikoro
White-headed Island ThrushTurdus pritzbueriMerle à tête blanche
New Caledonian Island ThrushTurdus xanthopusMerle calédonien
Tasman Sea Island ThrushTurdus poliocephalusMerle des îles
Samoan Island ThrushTurdus samoensisMerle des Samoa
Fiji Island ThrushTurdus ruficepsMerle des Fidji
Tibetan BlackbirdTurdus maximusMerle de l'Himalaya
White-backed ThrushTurdus kessleriMerle de Kessler
FieldfareTurdus pilarisGrive litorne
Ring OuzelTurdus torquatusMerle à plastron
Black-throated ThrushTurdus atrogularisGrive à gorge noire
Red-throated ThrushTurdus ruficollisGrive à gorge rousse
Dusky ThrushTurdus eunomusGrive à ailes rousses
Naumann's ThrushTurdus naumanniGrive de Naumann
Chestnut ThrushTurdus rubrocanusMerle à tête grise
White-collared BlackbirdTurdus albocinctusMerle à collier blanc
Sulawesi ThrushTurdus turdoidesGrive cataponère
American RobinTurdus migratoriusMerle d'Amérique
Black ThrushTurdus infuscatusMerle enfumé
Rufous-collared ThrushTurdus rufitorquesMerle à col roux
Sooty ThrushTurdus nigrescensMerle fuligineux
Red-legged ThrushTurdus plumbeusMerle vantard
Grand Cayman ThrushTurdus ravidusMerle de Grande Caïman
White-chinned ThrushTurdus aurantiusMerle à miroir
Forest ThrushTurdus lherminieriGrive à pieds jaunes
Mountain ThrushTurdus plebejusMerle de montagne
Pale-eyed ThrushTurdus leucopsMerle à oeil clair
White-eyed ThrushTurdus jamaicensisMerle aux yeux blancs
La Selle ThrushTurdus swalesiMerle de La Selle
Chestnut-bellied ThrushTurdus fulviventrisMerle à ventre fauve
Plumbeous-backed ThrushTurdus reeveiMerle de Reeve
Chiguanco ThrushTurdus chiguancoMerle chiguanco
Andean Slaty ThrushTurdus nigricepsMerle ardoisé
Glossy-black ThrushTurdus serranusMerle lustré
Black-hooded ThrushTurdus olivaterMerle à froc noir
Great ThrushTurdus fuscaterMerle géant
Austral ThrushTurdus falcklandiiMerle austral
Lawrence's ThrushTurdus lawrenciiMerle de Lawrence
Pantepui ThrushTurdus murinusMerle de Salvin
Blacksmith ThrushTurdus subalarisMerle à calotte grise
Creamy-bellied ThrushTurdus amaurochalinusMerle à ventre clair
Tristan ThrushTurdus eremitaGrive de Tristan da Cunha
Maranon ThrushTurdus maranonicusMerle du Maranon
Black-billed ThrushTurdus ignobilisMerle à bec noir
Campina ThrushTurdus arthuriMerle d'Arthur
Yellow-legged ThrushTurdus flavipesMerle à pattes jaunes
White-throated ThrushTurdus assimilisMerle à gorge blanche
Dagua ThrushTurdus daguaeMerle de Dagua
White-necked ThrushTurdus albicollisMerle à col blanc
Rufous-backed ThrushTurdus rufopalliatusMerle à dos roux
Pale-vented ThrushTurdus obsoletusMerle cul-blanc
Pale-breasted ThrushTurdus leucomelasMerle leucomèle
Cocoa ThrushTurdus fumigatusMerle cacao
Hauxwell's ThrushTurdus hauxwelliMerle de Hauxwell
Rufous-bellied ThrushTurdus rufiventrisMerle à ventre roux
Clay-colored ThrushTurdus grayiMerle fauve
Spectacled ThrushTurdus nudigenisMerle à lunettes
Ecuadorian ThrushTurdus maculirostrisMerle d'Équateur
Varzea ThrushTurdus sanchezorumMerle des varzéas
Unicolored ThrushTurdus haplochrousMerle de Bolivie

Sources : Gill, F and D Donsker (Eds). 2024-04-18. IOC World Bird List (v14.2) doi : 10.14344/IOC.ML.14.2.
Avibase (ioc v14.2), the world bird database - Lepage, D. 2024-12-20. © 1996-2025 Oiseaux.net